Pouya Heydari



The third millennia is certainly the period of scientific advancements for human beings specially in the fields of digital technologies. Thanks to the advancement of the internet and technology, today the majority of businesses are being operated on the screens of smart phones. Under these circumstances, other sectors have no choice but to adapt their ways of conducting business in order to survive.

KIT(Keyvan Intelligent technologies) have observed these recent evolutionary changes in all industries and has taken the step to revolutionise and modernise the law industry from its traditional form, by implementing the most advanced available digital technologies.

It would not have been possible to take this leap if not for the accurate and comprehensive understanding of the needs and demands the law communities and the general public faced and the efficient planning done to gather and reorganise all the legal content and sources. More than a million hours of hard word by the most elite law specialist and professionals has resulted in Shahrdaad a “powerful legal tool”.

Shahrdaad responds to a large group of users throughout the society specially the law community including, law academics, lawyers, judges, law consultants and the graduates in law. By providing the most complete, fast, correct and accurate sources and contents of law, this powerful law tool makes everyone needless from any other source of legal content.

Shahrdaad has made it possible not only for the law communities but for the general public to be able to satisfy their legal needs including legal question and answer, consultation and case review before referring to a lawyer in person and filing a law suit.

By differentiating all the different lawyers based on their specific field of speciality and verifying their scientific and practical abilities, Shahrdaad will be a bridge between these verified lawyers and the general public so that the society can benefit from this advanced legal tool.

Despite the major steps the company has taken towards its goals and visions, we rely on your comments and reviews to keep Shahrdaad under further development and improvement day by day.